Hold the Line – Why California Is More Important to Conservatives Than You Think


“Let’s keep our boots polished, bayonets sharpened, and present a picture of force and strength to the Red Army. This is the only language they understand and respect.”

One thing was apparent until President Trump entered the political fray in 2015.

Republicans were the party of gracious losers.

Before Trump-style politics where conservatives actually fought back and called out leftists for what they were, Republicans were more than happy to lose election after election as long as they stood by their “principles.” They would suffer low blows and slimy attacks from Democrats and the media and sit there pathetically and respond “Please sir can I have another?”

While President Trump may have changed much of that, that strain of loser mentality is still rampant in the Republican Party, and you can see it on full display in California where Republicans lose election after election and pat themselves on the back for standing strong for their principles.

Principles are great, but when it comes to politics, winning is even more important.

This virus has spread to many conservatives who have all but given up on California. You can see it on social media and forums where users post things like “California is lost”, “Commiefornia”, ‘Can we build the Wall around California too?”, or my favorite “Can we just nuke California and be done with it?” This I would argue is the first sign of the loser virus still rampant throughout conservatives in America.

Is California in bad shape? Yes I am not going to deny that. We are over-taxed and over-regulated. We have a state government completely dominated by leftists who have no one to stop them. A new Governor who’s entire platform was “Resist Trump.” California is far from a bastion of conservative ideals.

But to simply give up on California is to slink back to our old pre-Trump ways. Back when we would lose and concede ground everywhere in the country but be proud of the fact that we stood strong on principles and whatever. All the while Democrats become the ones pulling the levers of power.

As someone who’s attended CAGOP conventions I can say first hand, Trump-style politics have not come to this state. Nobody fights back or nominates people who are willing to do so (look at the CAGOP’s feckless no-nomination of either gubernatorial candidate when you had a fighter in Travis Allen). I would go so far as to say that the prominent leaders of our state actually prefer to be the losing party all the time. Why? It allows them to continue their talking points and push more books or speaking events or whatever lines their pockets.

Take noted attorney Harmeet Dhillon for example. The only thing Harmeet Dhillon looks out for is Harmeet Dhillon. She has done little to organize the party, fundraise, or energize the CAGOP. But be rest assured she will be on Fox News talking about whatever new case her firm has taken on. Yes, she fights the good fight in Court, but does it save our state? Nope. Republicans like Dhillon tilt at windmills and hope that a few small court victories will change things in California.

Newsflash, they won’t.

My point is nobody fights in California. Yes it is a hard fight, but by conceding the fight gets harder and harder every year.

So what does this have to do with the rest of the country?

If we allow for this loser mentality to continue, what state falls next? Colorado which is already deep purple? Arizona? New Mexico? Texas? If we continue to shrug off loss after loss, then what’s left to fight for?

This is precisely why it is even more important to fight back right now in California. Yes Democrats won the House, but they don’t have the Senate or the White House. President Trump is overhauling the Judiciary which will have a generational impact. But we need to fight in California.

After World War II, General Patton stated that America should continue moving from Berlin into the Soviet Union to stop them before they got any stronger.

“If we have to fight them, now is the time. From now on we will get weaker and they stronger.”

Obviously America didn’t do that, but look at the ramifications. The Soviet Union grew in power and influence gobbling up territory and spreading communism throughout the world. Millions died as a result, and we still have communist regimes we are fighting to this day because of it.

The same is true about our country right now. We may never have this much influence and power in government as we do right now, but if we continue to retreat and concede, they will continue to get stronger and we get weaker.

Pushing back in California hurts leftists in their last stronghold. Weaken that, and the rest of the dominoes fall. Thus resulting in change for our country for generations. Leave it unchallenged, you leave it to the leftists to get stronger and spread influence.

Give up on California, and you might as well give up on the rest of the country too.

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