France Should Be A Warning To California


Photo Credit Zero Hedge

If you haven’t been paying attention to world news recently, then you would have missed Paris being engulfed in a small rebellion.

Yes, France, one of the birth places of modern liberty. A country stained with the blood of several revolutions and rebellions, is now on the edge again. There’s a couple factors that have caused this but one that should be hitting close to home here in California.

It all began on November 17th, when protesters began to gather in Paris to protest against President Macron’s new diesel tax that would raise prices 23 cents a gallon over 12 months (hmm, a tax on gas where have we heard that?).

All of this in the name of globalists’ holy deity, climate change.

And the protests don’t seem to be letting up. The “Yellow Vests” are they are called continue to grow in numbers. One estimate says that there is a possibility of 120,000 protesters descending upon Paris. The situation has gotten so dire that President Macron had to leave the G20 early, and has even considered enacting martial law to get things under control.

But what does this have to do with California?

The civil unrest of France boils over thanks to one thing, globalist elite overreach. President Macron over played his hand and got swept up in the fashionable craze among the global elites which is that everything and anything can be sacrificed at the altar of climate change.

Climate change (or global warming if you’re old school like that) has become the new ideology that allows leaders to enact laws contrary to common sense, all in the name of saving the planet. Leaders who stand up at the pulpit of climate change charge how we need this new law or this new tax to stop climate change are rarely ever faced with opposition. To deny climate change must mean you are a neanderthal, a brow beating low life who isn’t smart enough to understand what’s going on. Only the lowest of classes and intellect can possibly disagree with climate change.

“The science is settled!” They bellow from the pulpit.

“Do you want a world where your children can live?” They shame you into thinking.

“You must be a Trump supporter, makes total sense now!” As they stereotype and attack your intellect.

You see, to attack the ideology of climate change is inexcusable. It’s reprehensible. There is no greater purpose in our lives than to combat climate change. You are either with the movement, or you are against progress. To disagree is unforgivable, and marks you as one of the worst human beings in the world.

This strategy has been working for a long time. You can’t argue against people who don’t want to argue science and only attack you ad hominem. If science is on their side, why do they consistently resort to personal attacks to make their point?

Here in California, we are home base for this crazy ideology. No I’m not talking about Scientology, yet the similarities are striking. I’m talking about the Church of Climate Change. We are transitioning from Governor Brown who failed to do literally anything to help prevent wildfires that ended up killing dozens of Californians, to Gavin Newsom who believes we should be the world beacon in how to combat climate change.

This climate change ideology is not going away. We see it in our laws and taxes that get forced on us. We see it in how our politicians speak. Their sole focus is how can we combat climate change? Well we have to raise taxes to combat it of course, or ban straws, or make people buy cage free eggs. Further adding to the weight bearing down on the middle and lower classes.

If you think these regulations, laws, and taxes are just to combat climate change then you are only seeing half the picture. It’s about control. It’s about using climate change as an excuse to void every right and liberty, and squeeze every dollar out of pockets through taxes. They found a perfect excuse to continue to crush the people. Whether their goals are altruistic or not, they have devised a great argument to exert even more control over your lives.

Until the breaking point of course.

France has second highest tax burden in the developed world at 45%. The thought of raising taxes on diesel (which is a back door tax), put people in France over the edge. We in California faced the same issue, but instead of protesting, we passed approval of more taxes on gas.

But there is a breaking point. For the French, they have found their breaking point. They are rioting and making international news. What is our breaking point? When will the people of California start to say “enough is enough”?

A gas tax didn’t do it. A law to recoup tax savings from corporations didn’t do it. Wildfires that killed dozens of Californians didn’t do it. Something will have to become the breaking point where Californians begin to push back.

How much longer can Californians worship at the altar of climate change before they realize they have given up everything in the name of an ideology that is based on faulty science and half truths?

I don’t know the answer to that, but we only have to look at France right now to see what happens when we do.